This is a press statement made by JoyNgozi Ezeilo after her country visit to the Philippines. She is the UNSpecial Rapporteur on trafficking in person, especially women and children. Thespeech can be divided in four parts:
First; section 1 to section 3 (fromFollowing to Zambonaga)
Second; section 4 to section 6 (fromHuman to family)
Third; section 5 to section 12 (fromin to organizations)
Fourth; section 13 to section 14(from however to trafficking)
Fifth; section 14 to 15 (from in to2013)
In the first part there are the acknowledgmentsand the description of her travel, the participant is herself and she addressesto the government and the other institutionalized bodies.
In the second part there is the generaldescription of the issue (origin of her travel).
In the third part there are all theinstruments that Philippines have ratified in order to fight with humantrafficking.
In the fourth part there are theweaknesses of the effectiveness of the government apparatus against the illegalhuman’s trafficking.
In the last part there are herpersonal advices and recommendations.
The first aim of her speech is toreport her consideration on human trafficking violations in Philippines. Secondaim is to sensitize people on the issue, she used as subject of her sentences “women,children, and men” trafficked for different aims; in this way she triedto emphasize the point of view of the victims.
Third aim is to solicit the governmentof Philippines to implement its prosecution’s machinery; this last aim is evidentonly near the end of the statement when she summarizes both weakness and recommendations.
She uses lots of time theexpressions “Philippine’s government”, since is a press statement in which aninternational body is making the point of the situation, is reasonable toidentify the material audience with all the journalists in the room, and theformal audience with both the Philippines government’s heads and the UNCommittee members. To confirm the audience we can see that she uses often theword victims but the subject is passive, “victims are…”, she underline the keyrole of the cooperation between (another times) the government and civilsociety organizations.
In the first three parts of thespeech we can see that she uses many time the term “combat”, she praised thegovernment for its work using a lot of verbal form as “I acknowledge, Iwelcome, I commend, the government has demonstrated strong commitment, thegovernment initiative is in line with.., encouraging, commendable..”. Thispraise part is necessary to introduce the real goal of her travel (and of herspeech). In the fourth part she start with an “however”. This adversativeadverb is useful to make a contrast with the previous part. The tone of thespeech change and she starts to use words like: lack, impunity, risk offalling, reluctance, less attention etc.
Although is the part in which sherecall the government to its duties, she uses sometime the wordsorder “good thing, adversative, bad thing” example
“The Government and its partners[…]aremaking efforts to build capacity […] however the large turnover rate of officers hampersthe prevention and prosecution of trafficking cases”.
In the last part she uses the “should”form followed by final remarks in which the tone is more reprimanding “I urge,Philippines is obliged, must”
During the speech Joy NgoziEzeilo doesn’t use the three repetitions, but use repetition of strongword that, even in the compliment sentences are in the center of the attention:
Sexual exploitation, domesticservitude, poverty, corruption, smuggling.
The speech is always on a formaltone, she never tries to generate pity (even when she enunciates the issue fromsociety’s point of view). She describes technically all the steps that thegovernment should do to accomplish international standards of traffickingprevention and protection, without any use of rethorical devices.
To the transcription:
Laura Rosana
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